Who is Bianca Censori? Kanye Ye West Partner, Life, Profile, Biography, Instagram

Bianca Censori is an Australian woman. She became famous for her relationship with Kanye Ye West.

Bianca Censori? Life, profile, biography

Bianca Censori is 28 years old. She was born on January 5, 1995 in Melbourne, Australia. She now lives partly in Los Angeles, USA.

Bianca Censori studied architecture at the University of Melbourne. In 2020 she received her master’s degree.

Bianca Censori work(s) as Architectural Designer for Kanye Ye West’s fashion label „Yeezy“ since November 2020. According to her own information (on Instagram), she is Head of Architecture. For this job she moved to Los Angeles, USA.

Previously, she worked as a student at DP Toscano Architects from 2017 to 2020 . Before that, she was a design consultant at Kelektiv. Between 2013 and 2017 she was self-employed with her own jewelry brand „Nylons“.

Bianca Censori: wife Kanye Ye West, marriage, wedding

In January 2023, it was reported that Kanye Ye West married Bianca Censori in a private ceremony. The marriage has not been officially confirmed to this day.

However, there was an expensive honeymoon. This took place at Amangiri in Canyon Point, Utah, USA. Here, a suite costs on average around 5,000 US dollars.

In December 2022, Kanye Ye West released the song „Censori Overload.“ This song is considered to be an ode to Bianca Censori. The song contains lines that suggest that the two got married. In the song, Kanye West sings, „And The Bible said, I can’t have sex anymore, „till marriage“.

When and how Bianca Censori and Kanye Ye West met is unknown. One rumor is that he wrote her a DM on Instagram.

In public, Bianca Censori repeatedly attracts attention for her bizarre and revealing clothing choices.

Bianca Censori: Instagram

Instagram: bianca.censori_official

The Instagram profile biancasensori is currently empty. There are no posts there. However, she has 20,000 followers. (As of September 2023)

There are posts on Bianca Censori’s official Instagram profile and she has over 37,000 followers.

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