Who is Bayashi? life, profile, biography

Bayashi is a self-taught chef and content creator who has become known for his cooking videos, recipes and TikTok clips. Bayashi was born on 5 September 1988 in Japan, he is 34 years old.

Bayashi: life, biography, profile

Bayashi worked as a personal trainer for a while. Since then, he has strictly adhered to a carbohydrate diet, also known as a low-carb diet, which means that many of his dishes contain meat, cheese and eggs.

He is particularly known for his preference for dishes that involve deep-frying several ingredients and adding a generous amount of cheese. His personal trademark is his broad, happy smile, which he displays almost universally in each of his videos.

Bayashi: ASMR, TikTok star

Since 2020, Bayashi has been posting short videos on TikTok and YouTube in which he can be seen preparing various dishes. The cooking process takes place in front of a highly sensitive microphone, producing cooking sounds that can trigger what is known as Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response (ASMR). ASMR is a technique in which acoustic and visual stimuli, delivered via video, trigger a tingling sensation in the viewer that has a relaxing and calming effect on the body and mind.

Mixing easy-to-make recipes with relaxing ASMR sounds, his videos are popular with many people, so much so that his TikTok channel has reached more than 45 million followers in a very short time. Almost 12 million users subscribe to his YouTube channel.

In Japan, Bayashi has since opened a sandwich restaurant that works together with the delivery service „Uber Eats“.

Bayashi: TikTok, YouTube

TikTok: @bayashi.tiktok

YouTube: @BayashiTV_

Instagram: bayashi_tv

Autor: Pierre von BedeutungOnline

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