What does Gyat / Gyatt mean? Meaning, definition, explanation

„Gyat“ or „Gyatt“ means „goddamn“.

„Gyat“ is pronounced as „gi-yat“, „gei-jat“.

What does Gyat / Gyatt mean? Meaning, definition, explanation

„Gyat“ is common on TikTok and Twitter and is used there to express, for example, that a woman is attractive or that she has attractive curves.

So if you want to translate „gyat“ or „gyatt“, it means something like „wow, she’s attractive“ or „oh my God!“ So if you say „gyat“, you are letting those around you know that you have seen someone you find attractive.

„Gyat“ is a short variant of „goddamn“ and is used as an exclamation „Goddamn“ means „God damn“ in German. However, this misses the meaning of „gyat“. For „gyat“ expresses excitement, thrill and joy. „gyat“ is not about cursing in god’s name!

While „goddamn“ can also be used to express anger, this is not the case with „gyat“.

„Gyat“ can be intensified. The more „t“ the expression has at the end, the more intense the experience: gyatt, gyattt, gyatttt, etc.

Since about the year 2021, „gyat“ has been spreading on the internet. On TikTok, the hashtag #gyatt has now been used over 177 million times. (as of May 2023)

Additional meaning GYAT

The acronym GYAT means „get your act together“, which means „pull yourself together“ and that means that someone should control themselves and that someone should finally organise themselves (and their life). This then also means that one should give up bad habits and, for example, refrain from pointless discussions.

Autor: Pierre von BedeutungOnline

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